This is the chakra found at the base of your spine. It is where your feelings of safety, security, financal stability, and survival can be tapped into and brought to the light. This area pertains to the bones and skeletal structure of the body. Visually it concerns the deep dark blacks, browns, and reds of Earthly energies and form, such as dirt, stone, soil, and wood.
If you find yourself always scattered, flighty, or unable to stay consistent at any one thing then tuning into this solid and steady energy should be your meditation focus until you feel grounded in your body, life, and responsibilities.
The root chakra is your anchor into the physical world and body. It may be underactive if you find yourself more often insecure, having money issues, or feeling lethargic. It may be overactive if you find yourself hyperactive, feeling greedy, or strongly attached to people, objects, places, and things.
Please use this guided meditation below like medicine. Taping in consistently is the necessary work behind fully aligning and activating your root chakra energy center.